When the time is right for your brand to launch on Amazon, Stella Rising provides unparalleled expertise in starting on the platform. Amazon can be an enormous growth opportunity for a brand, though we encourage brands to have sufficient consumer awareness prior to launch, a little-known key to success.
Our team is built with former Amazon employees, who understand how to start brands successfully on the platform. Our launch period includes the following services:
Account Setup | Content Optimization |
Brand Onboarding | Copy Optimizations, Keyword Research, Titles, Bullets, and Product Description |
New Account Setup | Image and Video Optimizations |
Brand Registry Setup | Infographics |
Assortment Strategy | A+ Content |
New Item Setup | Brand Store |
Inventory Forecasting |
After launch, we continue to collaborate with clients and ensure success, through account management and advertising.
Stella Rising is the top independent media, marketing services, and business consulting firm for rising star brands. We drive growth through our insights framework, understanding of the consumer and brand landscape, and extensive experience in beauty, food, health, and retail.
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