Hair Care Market Trends – Part 2 | WMI

25 Feb 2015 Marlea Clark

in Beauty, Industry News

hair-care-market-trendsYesterday, we discussed a couple hair trends that the Women’s Marketing strategy team see as significant in helping brands better segment their consumers based on their needs. As brands cope with changes and try to create loyal customers in a complex market, what hair care market trends are emerging for them to hone in on in order to stay ahead of the curve?

The Fast and the Fashionable

When it comes to trimming, coloring, and caring for their hair, women do want it all. “They are interested in receiving high quality services with high quality products at a fraction of the time it would take themselves,” says Van Dam. Mintel’s shows 31% of women are interested in express salon services, “which,” says Van Dam, “is remarkable for a fairly recent new category.” We’re seeing that women are spending more to get their hair treated by professionals with top quality products as opposed to self-treating and skimping on the best products. Rising interests in “blow out bars,” where women can get their hair quickly blow-dried, offer a niche market for brands to market their hair care products from haircare professionals. Mass marketers would be wise to develop products that respond to this need for getting great hair and getting it fast.

On-the-Go Grooming

More women are traveling by public transportation, creating an opportunity for brands to advertise more in-transit as well as refocus the delivery of their product. Mintel reports that 40% of haircare consumers hold interest in single-use haircare products meant for on-the-go use. Offering products in single sample sizes also allow a low risk option for the consumer to try something before deciding if they want to purchase a full sized product.

Hair Care Market Trends Show Most Women Research Online, But Purchase In Stores

“Our research shows women rely on multiple touchpoints, including magazines, radio and Internet, before making a beauty/hair purchase,” says Van Dam. We see a consumer is open to making online purchases, but still feels most comfortable testing her beauty products in-store before settling on the perfect products. 65% of those online have never made a digital beauty purchase, but this woman is a heavy consumer of media. Van Dam agrees that online platforms are “especially relevant for the beauty and personal care consumer” because even though women are most adept to making purchases in person, they are sure to share their opinions or search for information online.

Beauty Industry News
