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Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Finibus fusce vehicula sit torquent. Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Finibus fusce vehicula sit torquent.

Elizabeth McHugh06.06.231 min read

Infographic | 2023 Wellness Consumers

When speaking with our Glimmer community, we hear a consumer passion and excitement for wellness—in its myriad forms—and that they want more from brands: more education, transparency, solutions, and product offerings. When asked specifically about the femtech market, female consumers asked for stronger solutions for weight loss (66%), mental health (61%), menopause (37%), sexual health (36%), and menstrual health (31%). We also learned that consumers are open to investing in the category: while many consumers would like wellness to be more accessible, quality is more important than price to consumers when it comes to purchases in daily health, nutrition, physical appearance, sleep, mental health/emotional wellness, menopause, sexual/reproductive health, and weight loss.

Wellness-Update Q2-2023


Wellness Consumers in 2023: Infographic Highlights

    • 55% of consumers feel that technology motivates them to stay on track with their goals
    • 95% of consumers currently use or would be interested in using a smartwatch to monitor their future health—and that number increases to 96% for wearable fitness device
    • When asked for their top wellness concerns that they want help from brands on, women responded:
      • 45% Daily health
      • 44% Weight loss/management
      • 43% Sleep
      • 41% Mental health/emotional wellness
      • 40% Nutrition
    • 58% of women turn to medical professionals for health and wellness information, follow by:
      • 50% friends and family
      • 48% health focused websites
      • 31% social media
      • 27% brand websites

At Stella Rising, our unparalleled understanding of wellness consumers and what they want from the market drives our award-winning work for clients. Looking to define your brand’s space in the category and see exponential growth? Connect with us.

Looking for more wellness content? Dive into additional research and analysis via our What Consumers Want from Wellness white paper.