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Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Finibus fusce vehicula sit torquent. Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Finibus fusce vehicula sit torquent.

Elizabeth McHugh11.15.19< 1 min read

Infographic: Men's Personal Care

Self-care, skincare, wellness: the trends that have captured the mindshare, and wallets, of U.S. women are inching their way into the world of men’s grooming. Per Mintel, nearly half of men feel that self-care fuels their overall wellbeing, and the growth in their personal care products exemplifies that. This industry is expected to increase 7% through 2023, with skincare and haircare flourishing in particular. Deodorant, which commands 40% of the market, speaks to the main concern of most men: odor protection. That said, younger men care more about their appearance, and are largely driving shifts towards sustainability, customization, subscription boxes, and even makeup. 

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