Infographic:Tapping Into Millennials' Digital Habits and Trends

31 Jan 2018 Ann D'Adamo

in Digital


The image of a Millennial on a smartphone may be cliché, but there’s truth in that stereotype. Eighty-seven percent of Millennials own a smartphone and more than half say it’s their primary digital device. Nearly two-thirds of Millennials say they spend no less than six hours a day on their phones and check them an average of 150 times per day. In our infographic, learn what they’re doing on smartphones and why.

How Do Millennials Use Smartphones?

Millennials digital habits vary, but more than half say they spend "nearly all" or "most" of their online time on a smartphone.

What Are Millennials Favorite Social Media Networks?

Although Facebook is the most-used social network, younger Millennials are splitting their time among a variety of networks.  

                                                18-24                     25-29                     30-34

Facebook                            36%                        41%                        50%

Instagram                            24%                        17%                        13%

YouTube                              12%                        14%                        11%

LinkedIn                               7%                          10%                        10%

Pinterest                             9%                          8%                          8%

To learn more about marketing to Millennials and the latest digital trends, contact Women's Marketing today.

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