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Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Finibus fusce vehicula sit torquent. Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Finibus fusce vehicula sit torquent.

Elizabeth McHugh07.31.202 min read

Use Glimmer to Drive Consumer Insights

We created our social influencer community, Glimmer, to understand how women are thinking, feeling and shopping, in real time. We connect daily to get insights, understand behaviors, and offer interaction with brands. Use Glimmer to power word-of-mouth, sampling, and reviews or drive consumer insights.

Real-time, first-party qualitative insights fueled by Glimmer can guide brands in critical decision making. The Glimmer Community can also give feedback, grow brand loyalty, or expand an audience.

Examples of the type of research created by Glimmer:

  1. 83% agree that they are shopping online more now (during the COVID-19 period) than they were before
  2. 67% reported that the top challenge during quarantine was a shortage of food and/or supplies on store shelves due to panic buying, making it the top concern
  3. New data illuminates that online beauty shoppers, unsurprisingly, shop myriad websites, with Amazon on top. A list of where she shops beauty digitally:
      • 77% - Amazon
      • 61% - Ulta
      • 56% - Sephora
      • 53% - Walmart
      • 44% - Target
      • 41% - Brand website
      • 28% - Department Store
      • 10% - e-store of a direct seller (i.e. Rodan + Fields)
      • 9% - Dermstore
      • 4% - Other
  4. Glimmer women responded what “clean beauty” means to them. As clean beauty has driven a boom in skincare and become a multi-billion-dollar business, it was important to understand what that loosely defined term means to consumers
      • 58% felt that it means a product is “natural”
      • 32% thought that clean beauty products contain “less harsh chemicals”
      • 28% defined that term as “cruelty free”
  5. 50% of women still report that friends and family are their most trusted sources for learning about new beauty products and brands


IN THEIR WORDS: A selection of thoughts on relevant topics


      • “I've been buying many more new products and trying new regimens because I have more time. It's an exhilarating experience and hobby!”
      • “I have indulged more on my moisturizer, especially one that multitasks and is anti-aging.”


      • “I am definitely online shopping more these days and hope others are as well. I have purchased a few beauty items on Amazon but tend to stick to Ulta and Sephora.
      • "I did switch to online grocery shopping. I will keep this habit but will still shop in-store too when I think it is safe to do so." 
      • “For groceries, I use Walmart grocery pick up, but not exclusively because of Covid-19. I started using it before that all started and will continue to use it when this is over. I use it out of pure convenience.”
      • “I always look for products Made in the USA. Covid-19 has really changed how I look for products and what I buy and how I buy it. I'm A LOT more careful about anything I buy in stores.”


On Black Lives Matter:

      • I'm signing petitions as I see them. Sharing valuable and important information as much as possible because the injustice in this country is real.”
      • “I'm feeling pretty down but remaining optimistic that people can and will change for the better.”

On 2020:

      • “Very scary and life changing, I think everyone will be affected for a long time.”
      • “There are a lot of depressing events going on, yet we remain hopeful.”


Our social sharing community can drive the kind of smart insights that will guide brands past challenging times. If you would like to learn how Glimmer can better connect your brand with how consumers are thinking, reach out to us.