By 2020, more than six out of ten people in the U.S. will be social network users. Now that almost all Americans, from teens to Boomers, are active on at least one social media platform, brands need to refine their social media strategy to best reach their target consumers. Do brands need to be on every social media platform? No, marketers should select the platforms and develop a social media marketing strategy that helps them best achieve their goals. Here, we look at the top social networks to understand how and why consumers use them so marketers can effectively create content and target social media advertising.
Despite “fake news” controversies Facebook remains the top social platform in the U.S.
In 2016, Facebook was used by 51% of all Americans and 79% of all U.S. internet users.
User growth has stabilized, Facebook is predicted to grow by 1.7% through 2020.
More Americans are accessing Facebook via its mobile app—by 2020, 60% of all Facebook users will access the platform exclusively from a mobile device.
Easy access on mobile allows users to check their feed more frequently; 53% of U.S. users scroll through their feed multiple times per day, and 25% check the site daily.
What keeps consumers coming back? Consumers say Facebook allows them to keep in contact with family and friends (88%), be entertained (34%), get the latest news (31%), follow brands/companies (19%) and strengthen their professional network (14%).
Live video is growing among Facebook users, 30% say they watch live video daily.
It’s important to note that Facebook’s popularity with adults hasn’t translated to teens—only 9% of those 13-18 say it’s their favorite social platform.
From beauty to travel, consumers turn to Instagram to explore their passions through beautiful photography and inspiring content.
By 2020, more than 28% of the U.S. population, and one-third of all U.S. internet users, are projected to be active on Instagram.
Although consumers use Instagram to keep up with friends and family, 42% say they turn to Instagram when they want to be entertained, and 29% use it to follow brands they love.
Much of Instagram’s growth over the past year has been attributed to its launch of Stories. In the year since the Stories launched, users on the platform worldwide have shot up by 160% and 60% of users check Stories at least once a day.
Influencers love Instagram more than any other social platform—top social influencers regularly post to Stories twice as often as they do to Snapchat (7.6 times per day, compared to 3.5 on Snapchat).
If Instagram is stealing share, Should Snapchat be worried? Not yet. Among teens, 47% say Snapchat is their favorite platform (Instagram comes in 2nd at 24%).
71% of Snapchat users are under 34 years old.
Snapchat is viewed as a communication tool: 64% of users say they use it to keep in touch with friends/family, and 41% use it for entertainment.
One-third of users check their stories several times a day and spend about 30 minutes on the platform.
Only 16% of users say they follow brands on the platform, which reveals a divide between Snapchat and Instagram: Snapchat is a platform to communicate with friends, while Instagram is used to follow influencers, celebrities, and brands.
It may be surprising to learn that in 2016, more people used Pinterest than Twitter. Pinterest use has grown 40% in the past year reaching 200 million consumers each month as they look for ideas, inspiration, and products.
It’s anticipated that 27% of all internet users will become pinners by 2020.
Forty-two percent of Pinterest users are between 18-44 and 40% of users have household incomes of $100K+
Although use among males has grown by 50% this year, 70% of Pinterest users are women
Moms love Pinterest—60% of Pinterest users have children 5 or under
Twenty-nine prevent of pinners say they use the platform several times a week, 24% use it daily, and 12% pin several times a day.
Most users view Pinterest as a wish list and planning tool—45% view it as entertainment, but 37% also say they use the platform to connect with and draw inspiration from their favorite lifestyle brands.
Refining your social media strategy involves selecting the most effective platforms for your brand, developing thumb-stopping content that engages consumers, and supporting content a paid social media. Women’s Marketing offers a suite of marketing services including social media marketing (we are an award-winning social media marketing agency). Contact us today to learn how our award-winning social media agency can help your brand.
Sources: eMarketer Reasons that Social Media Users Use Social Media by Platform 2017, eMarketer Devices Used by U.S. Social Media Users to Access Social Media 2017, eMarketer Frequency with Which U.S. Social Media Users Use Social Media by Platform 2017, eMarketer U.S. Social Usage Stat Pack 2017, Statists Instagram Facts & Statistics 2017, Pinterest for Business Meet Your Audience on Pinterest 2017, Pinterest for Business 200 Million People Looking for New Ideas 2017