Stella Rising Blog

Health & Wellness

Infographic | 2023 Wellness Consumers

When speaking with our Glimmer community, we hear a consumer passion and excitement for wellness—in its myriad forms—and that they want more from...
By Elizabeth McHugh

Infographic | A Broad Look at Beauty: 2023 Consumer Report

Seven out of 10 shoppers who reduced spending due to inflation said they were notcutting back on beauty. Consumers used beauty to escape COVID...
By Elizabeth McHugh
Social Media

It’s Time to Get to Know Lemon8

#HelloLemon8. Described as the love child of powerhouse platforms Instagram and Pinterest, Lemon8 is a Gen-Z targeted, influencer-inspired social...
By Kayla Giacobbe and Hallie Brewster

Prime Day 2023: The Preparation Starts Now

PRIME DAY 2022: A REMINDER ON WHAT HAPPENED Despite last year’s concerns around inflation, Prime Day 2022 was Amazon’s biggest to date. The...
By Michael Hizny
Social Media

Collaborative Paid Search & Social: Maximizing the Two Together

All too often there is a disconnect between paid search and paid social efforts. This is problematic—paid search and paid social go together like...
By Andrew Halfman and Danielle Martinez
Paid Search

The Bot Wars and Why It’s (Really) Time to Level Up Your Brand’s Bing Advertising

ChatGPT, the first AI chatbot accessible to the public, shocks and amazes its users by answering a wide range of questions using natural language...
By Jessica Ortiz & Bjorn Hansen

Growth Opportunities on Amazon

Grow Your Business With The Growth Opportunities Tool On Amazon Amazon’s Seller Central has a tool that many may not know about or utilize: the...
By Jackie Fisher
Social Media

The Complete Guide to Creator Partnerships in Meta

Despite the layoffs and drop in stock price, Meta remains one of the world’s most-used social apps. But that doesn’t mean Meta isn’t constantly...
By Abbey Troyer

Stronger Amazon Strategy: How To Maximize New-To-Brand

Are you looking to level up your Amazon advertising tactics? One key metric to focus on is your “new-to-brand” (NTB) percentage. First, it is...
By Natalie Church

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